Stitch, the mischievous yet endearing extraterrestrial creature from Disney's beloved movie Lilo & Stitch, is ready to spread holiday cheer in the most delightful way on this cardboard cutout. He is dressed in a jolly Santa hat and a festive scarf, showing his trademark playful grin whilst holding a string of Christmas lights. Imagine the joy and excitement that Stitch will bring to your home, office, or any space you choose to place him. He'll be the star of your holiday gatherings, enticing laughter and creating unforgettable memories as guests pose with him for photos. Get ready to let Stitch sprinkle some extra cheer into your Christmas celebration and make your holidays truly magical.
Product Features
- UK manufactured product
- Includes FREE mini tabletop cutout!
- Measures: 88 cm high x 76 cm wide
- Depicts Stitch looking excited for Christmas
- Manufactured from high quality fluted cardboard
- Folds down for easy storage
- Perfect for events as well as gifts for fans and collectors
- Self-supporting via easel/strut attached to the reverse of the cutout
- Worldwide fast shipping via tracked courier
Check out more of our official Disney themed cardboard cutouts and masks