Strong superhero Gekko, from the animated television series PJ Masks, demonstrates his Super Muscles on this lifesize cardboard cutout whilst wearing his lizard-like costume. Together with his friends Connor and Amaya, Greg transforms into a superhero at night after activating his animal amulet and goes on a mission to stop the villains of the city.
This cardboard cutout is great for children’s parties and is equally suitable for room decoration.
All cutouts are designed to be self supporting and are assembled within seconds. Alternatively it is possible to leave the supports flat and wall mount the standee as you wish. All lifesize standups fold down for easy storage.
Product Features:
• UK manufactured product
• Includes Free Tabletop cutout
• Measures: 163 cm x 92 cm
• Depicts Gekko from PJ Masks
• Manufactured from high quality fluted cardboard
• Folds down for easy storage
• Perfect for events as well as gifts for fans and collectors
• Self-supporting via easel/strut attached to the reverse of the cutout
• Worldwide fast shipping via tracked courier
Check out our full range of PJ Masks cutouts and masks
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