Which Marvel Comics Avenger Are You?
The upcoming movie, Avengers: Infinity War, is already becoming one of the most highly anticipated films of the year. It brings together most of the superhero characters we love best in one, action-packed film. Get ready for what is sure to be a blockbuster throughout this summer by buying cardboard cutouts of members of the Avengers team to get you in the spirit while you wait for the movie to arrive in cinemas. In the meantime, read on to find out which Avenger most closely matches your personality.
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Tony Stark is more than a man who was born rich. Perhaps you have also faced challenges in your life that prompted you to rethink the direction of your career or personal life. Using those challenges as a way to reinvent yourself and make a difference is the key to being like Iron Man. You don’t let your achievements or problems limit what you can be. You continue to seek new ways to improve yourself, learn more, and have a positive impact on the world around you. Some people find your confidence and snarky attitude challenging – and they should. You are willing to challenge the status quo in order to make a difference. You won’t stop learning to trying, to make other people more comfortable, and that’s one of the things people like most about you.
OK, so you probably aren’t the son of a mighty king from another planet. That doesn’t mean you aren’t like Thor. Are you the favoured child who has been full of confidence and yet conflicted about your family’s expectations? Struggling to live up to a family legacy can be surprisingly difficult. People often don’t realise the pressure to succeed you have to face and may think you had things easy when you were growing up. Still, in your heart, you are driven to try to do the right thing for everyone and find the best in each of them.
Your sense of honour leads you to take risk that others wouldn’t but you are determined to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. That can make it hard for you to acknowledge the fact that some of people simply choose to live by different rules. Fortunately, you don’t let that cause you to become bitter and you keep giving people the chance to turn over a new leaf. Your passion, honour, and sense of humour help you attract great friends you can rely on to help face any challenges.
The Hulk / Bruce Banner
You are a complex person. Part of you loves peace and quiet. The other part of you is a surprising party animal. People may have a hard time coming to terms with how one day you can be perfectly happy spending time alone, involved in your own projects, and the next day you might become the centre of attention. You have realised that you don’t need to limit yourself to being either a nerd or a person of action. You embrace both sides of your personality and seek out people who appreciate your complex nature.
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
You have boldly learned from your experiences and make no apologies for your success. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and managed to overcome plenty of obstacles. People who underestimate you are making a huge mistake as you continue to prove yourself able to successfully tackle any challenge. Rather than dwell on your past challenges, you continue to move forward in order to make a difference. Fortunately, you have learned to surround yourself with people you can trust. Rather than seek the spotlight, you are fine with working behind the scenes and yet your personality continues to draw people to you. With their support, you are able to give back to your community even more.
James “Rhodey” Rhones / War Machine
We aren’t all born with super powers or endless opportunities. You have made your own success through your hard work and determination. The people around you quickly learned how much they can rely on you. You don’t always feel the need to be the centre of attention but you are willing to take risks to help those around you. This has made you someone people actively seek out in your personal life and work. You are a modern renaissance man, capable of excelling in a range of different fields while still remaining grounded as a person. This makes you a great friend and someone other people know they can turn to when they need help.
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Your family life hasn’t always been easy but you avoided letting that make you bitter or self-centred. You combine a love of learning with seeking the thrill of adventure. Sometimes the desire to take credit for your achievements can be in conflict with your natural humble nature but you make it work. In spite of the challenges you’ve faced, your sense of humour continues to shine through while you make life a little better for the people around you.
Who doesn’t love the strong, silent type? You aren’t prone to flowery speeches and you don’t always tell people how you feel. You may not be chatty but somehow, your friends all know they can rely on you. They understand your low-key and slightly quirky sense of humour and have come to know you so well they can practically complete your sentences.
You embody strength and determination and you certainly aren’t inclined to back away from important challenges. This helps you to attract great friends who will stick with you through thick and thin. People may underestimate you but that’s fine since you are usually able to use that to your advantage. You remain grounded while still reaching for the stars.
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